Love in a Time of Cholera.
The article I wrote for John Hopkins is here! I guess they posted it on Wednesday and forgot to tell me. Thanks to my shameless self-stalking, my Google AdWords pulled it up last night. I was terrified that for two important days people had been reading my article and I wasn't there to respond to their comments! Fortunately, I had everything under control...I scanned to the bottom quickly and read, Comments: Zero. I think four people have read it. And three of them are related. My dad said I should send it to The Today Show (not quite sure why), my mom found a typo, and my roommate agreed that the photo makes me look like I have a stink eye.
But it's my first article. And this is first time I've publicly stated, "Invest in dignity, for crying out loud!" I hope you like it, or at least agree that my left eye is a little off.